Monday, January 28, 2008

apricots, salsa and steak

No, not together. Ever since my friend, Beth, served lightly poached apricots with vanilla yogurt at our book club meeting, I've been craving them. Even bought a package of dried apricots and a quart of vanilla yogurt. I guess it's as easy as it sounds - simple syrup with vanilla. I found this recipe which I may try if I don't hear back from Beth.

What the twins want for dinner this week is Salsa and chips (Katie) and Steak (Johnny) of course. I may make that black bean, corn, tomato salsa with lime chips one night as an appetizer and grill steaks on the side. Then both my vegetarian and my carnivore are happy. Elizabeth will be happy to eat both, as will the rest of us.

What else? Wednesday night I'll do a casserole for both my family and Mary's. Maybe chicken and stuffing. Maybe chili rellenos casserole. More thoughts on this later.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Tying a roast

Just got back from church, Staples, and lacrosse sign ups. Here it is early January, and the weather is an unseasonably warm 57 degrees. Is this global warming or what? Anyway, being Sunday, I need to plan the week's eats, so I went to Not sure what I was looking at, although the oven fries recipe looks very tempting, when I saw this tutorial for tying a roast. I tied the fillet roast on Christmas Eve, but this is a more professional way to do it all at once.